
International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 26th General Conference Zlatibor, Serbia 1 to 4 November 2023

IARU R1 Conference web


The received input documents for the 2023 General Conference were published by the linked folders before the conference. Amended documents and documents Prepared In Conference (PIC) are now also published in the folders below.

Some financial documents are not generally available, but are sent directly to the member societies.

Plenary minutes

Credentials and Finance Committee (C2) documents

General Administrative and Organisational Committee (C3) documents

HF Committee (C4) documents

VHF+ Committee (C5) documents

EMC Committee (C7) documents

Emergency Communications

SRLC-PRC (Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison Committee & Political Relations Committee)

STARS (Support to The Amateur Radio Service)

Youth working group

Materials on this website may be subject to copyright.

Conference Hosts